Header returned by cloudflare when trying to access geckocodes. If they can set user agents in whitelist, they could add Acciohack/USBLoaderGX/Etc. I don't know if user agents can be enabled one by one, or if it's a global setting. If the web browser's filtering is not the main purpose, and they only want to keep the website online, then needs to disable the browser integrity check in their cloudflare settings. I tested to edit the HTTP request used by USBLoaderGX to use a working user agent and full header, even tested with cookies enabled (using a allowed cfduid from my browser), but it didn't help and cloudflare still complain and gives error 1010. USBLoaderGX (and Acciohacks and all other loaders), are now filtered and blocked. fixed reload cache when both channel types is chosen.
adding a check to see if the game is already listed for every time a game is added i think will slow down the process. Block DDOS attacks by filtering non conventional browsers. BUT if you have the same game on both it will be shown twice. store the webpages on multiple servers to prevent downtime. is now hosted using cloudflare, which is like a proxy used for few features, but mainly: